With all eyes on Washington and the White House race, NEIL DARBYSHIRE visits the US capital... and is impressed by its history and architectural grandeur
With all eyes on Washington and the White House race, NEIL DARBYSHIRE visits the US capital... and is impressed by its history and architectural grandeur
Standing in the great rotunda of Washington's Capitol building, the sacred heart of American democracy, there's an almost palpable sense of awe. You feel it in the crowds of US citizens who bring their children to pay tribute here. In the guides, the security staff, even those who man the cloakrooms. Our loquacious tour leader, Danny, sums it up neatly: 'This is the Capitol, dude. Nowhere like it.' Thanks to strict building height regulations, the dome of this secular cathedral, topped by the 19ft-tall Statue of Freedom, is reassuringly visible across the city.
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