My parents were so hard up my mother used a milk bottle as a rolling pin. Does that qualify me to be PM!

New Photo - My parents were so hard up my mother used a milk bottle as a rolling pin. Does that qualify me to be PM!
My parents were so hard up my mother used a milk bottle as a rolling pin. Does that qualify me to be PM!

First, a disgraceful ­confession: when I was growing up in the 1960s, I was deeply ashamed of my parents' comparative poverty. The trouble was that they'd sacrificed almost every material comfort to send me to very expensive schools, where I was surrounded by boys from much richer families. Children can be such ungrateful swine. For some lessons at Westminster School, I used to sit between the ­offspring of multi-millionaires — on my right, a Sieff of the Marks & Spencer dynasty, and on my left a Zilkha, whose father was the founder of Mothercare.
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