S.T. Gibsons Latest Book Features an Occult Secret Society and a Devilish Deal-Read an Excerpt! (Exclusive)

New Photo - S.T. Gibsons Latest Book Features an Occult Secret Society and a Devilish Deal-Read an Excerpt! (Exclusive)
S.T. Gibsons Latest Book Features an Occult Secret Society and a Devilish Deal-Read an Excerpt! (Exclusive)

What's more fun than an occult secret society? How about an occult secret society, an ancestral deal with the devil and a love triangle? The latest from S.T. Gibson, author of the fantasy delight A Dowry of Blood and the dark academia page-turner An Education in Malice, is called Evocation and it does all of that and so much more. Out now from Angry Robot Books, Evocation introduces us to David, Rhys, Moira and Leda as they navigate their magic-riddled city, secret societies that function like frat houses, familial bonds that stand the test of time (and death) and, of course, the tangled webs of love and rivalries.
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