How the world's frozen billionaires will avoid being resurrected poor: Their severed heads are pumped with 'anti-freeze' and brains put on ice. Now they have a way to beat their biggest fear...

New Photo - How the world's frozen billionaires will avoid being resurrected poor: Their severed heads are pumped with 'anti-freeze' and brains put on ice. Now they have a way to beat their biggest fear...
How the world's frozen billionaires will avoid being resurrected poor: Their severed heads are pumped with 'anti-freeze' and brains put on ice. Now they have a way to beat their biggest fear...
In Ancient Egypt pharaohs were mummified so their bodies would be in perfect condition for their journey into the afterlife. And, defying the old adage that 'you can't take it with you when you go', a decent chunk of their worldly possessions were placed in the tomb with them. Thousands of years later, the 21st century's pharaohs are 'cryonicists' - people with the money and determination to live again by being frozen after death, in the hope that one day science will be advanced to the point that they can be revived.
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