Yes, you can be too old for Botox in your 40s! These are the signs tweakments won't work and you need a facelift

New Photo - Yes, you can be too old for Botox in your 40s! These are the signs tweakments won't work and you need a facelift
Yes, you can be too old for Botox in your 40s! These are the signs tweakments won't work and you need a facelift
Being told 'you're better off getting surgery' is definitely not what you want to hear when, fed up with the signs of facial sag that appear in midlife, you've finally plucked up the courage to dabble in some of those minimally invasive 'tweakments'. Tweakments that are now so popular that the UK market is worth £3.6 billion annually. The use of injectables (such as Botox and filler) has increased 7000 per cent in two decades.
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