REBECCA ENGLISH: Royal insiders tell me the King is desperately hoping Andrew will 'do the right thing' and STAY AWAY this Christmas. But the disgraced duke is an 'obstinate' man...
REBECCA ENGLISH: Royal insiders tell me the King is desperately hoping Andrew will 'do the right thing' and STAY AWAY this Christmas. But the disgraced duke is an 'obstinate' man...
As the nation prepares to sit down and break bread with their nearest and, ahem, sometimes not so dearest this season of Goodwill, the King is facing a particularly vexing Christmas conundrum. What on earth to do about his bothersome brother, Prince Andrew, whose issues seem to pop up like a particularly bad bout of the annual festive flu. For the truth is that the King doesn't want to have to go so far as to ban Prince Andrew from joining the rest of the Royal Family for the much-loved Sandringham church visit and walkabout.
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